Portrait of Herbert Tschappler

Farmer and engineer Herbert John Schappler (personal collection of Karen Barton).

Herbert John Tschappler (personal collection of Karen Barton).

Young Herbert Tschappler (1890-1945), had his portrait taken by Robert C. Mumbrauer ca. 1908. The photograph exhibits features more common after 1900: larger, black card mounts with the studio’s name  blind embossed instead of printed, for a more subtle effect.

Farmer, engineer and carpenter Herbert Tschappler was born to Osage County farmers Samuel Tschappler and Ernestine Marie Auguste Gnadt in March 1890. With his wife, Ella Deppe, Herbert settled in Carlsbad, Eddy County, New Mexico, where they had two children, Sam and Roy.

Herbert and Ella Tschappler are buried in Carlsbad Cemetery, Carlsbad, New Mexico.


Published in: on May 27, 2013 at 1:01 pm  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thank you. It was really beautiful to see a photo of my great-grandpa that I hadn’t seen before.

    • Glad you found my post! The original belongs to someone who contributed it to my blog. Are you in touch with her?

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